Today after school i came back home, i switched on my Mac and i saw #KONY2012 was trending in Twitter, so i saw a link and it lead me to this video, this video has definitely touched my heart, if you don't feel anything about it after this then i think there's something wrong with you. It's a video to make Joseph Kony, a criminal that abducts thousands of young innocent children to be his army and sex slaves, they were taken away from their parents, i can't imagine how the kid would feel like and parents would feel like, your family, the love of your life been taken away just like that.
Every young child deserves a loving childhood, not a childhood filled with fear. I heard their cries, i heard their stories, i want to make a difference, i would really try my best to help, and i think by spreading this could really help. Every little child has rights to live, they want to enjoy a loving life too, put the materials aside, but focus on love. These children are in midst of hardship, so we as humans of the earth should help eachother no matter what colour, race, religion, nationality that we are because WE ARE ALL THE SAME.
Allah created humanity from a drop of water, which became a blood clot, which became flesh and bones, veins and nerves, hands and feet and inner organs, eyes and ears and nose and mouth, so that we may see, hear, smell and talk. He gave the human being a brain to understand with, a heart to feel with, a tongue to speak with. He blew His soul into it, and it lived. He gave the baby who could do nothing but cry two devoted, loving, compassionate servants called a mother and a father, and fed the baby from its mother’s breast a complete food that needs no fat, no water, no toil of cooking, but is complete.
Day by day, from no knowable source, he makes humanity mature‑with a mind able to discover the rest of creation and its Creator; with a tiny black hole in its eye able to see the worlds, the suns and the planets; with eyelashes around the eye, eyebrows above the eye, to protect its sight; with a tongue and a throat to speak and sing with the most beautiful sound in existence, and with ears to hear. If He didn’t make all this, could it all be? There are so many eyes that cannot see, ears that cannot hear, tongues that cannot speak!
He gave man air and lungs to breathe it, food and a belly to digest it. Food and air turn into life-giving blood, and He made a heart to pump that blood to every corner of our being. The blind see with the sensitivity of their fingertips, and each fingerprint is unique. We who measure the value of things in dollars, what price would we ask for a finger, or a tooth, or an eye? Won’t we be thankful to the One who gave them to us?
The more we want, the more we receive. Not only did He give us our bodies and souls, but He gave us all and everything.
So let's do our part, help each other for a better world for now and for the future.
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